API för att hantera adresser och anmälningar i Anslutamotorn
FormatXML AuthLogin OriginAnslutamotorn ConsumerStadsnät
"mode" can be "all", "admin", "web", "import" or "api", which means:
all: Remove all addresses in the database
admin: Remove all addresses created by an administrator using the web interface
web: Remove all addresses created by visitors
import: Remove all addresses created by file import
api: Remove all addresses created by the API
Note, however, that if you remove all addresses and then import new ones via the API, all those will be marked as "api" addresses and will no longer be identified as an address created by a visitor, for example
all: Remove all addresses in the database
admin: Remove all addresses created by an administrator using the web interface
web: Remove all addresses created by visitors
import: Remove all addresses created by file import
api: Remove all addresses created by the API
Note, however, that if you remove all addresses and then import new ones via the API, all those will be marked as "api" addresses and will no longer be identified as an address created by a visitor, for example
GET /admin/edit/connect/plain/api
- mandatory
Data format: string
Example: admin
What posts to delete, valid values are "all", "admin", "web", "import", "api" - mandatory
Data format: integer
Example: 1234
The ID for the API user in Atlas - optional
Data format: string
Example: json
What format should the response be in, valid values are 'xml' and 'json'
Example request
GET /admin/edit/connect/plain/api?method=empty_addresses&mode=admin&api_user=1234